Friday, December 16, 2016

The Curve

"The Curve," a story about innovation, discovery, and sorting algorithms, is out now in Issue #37 at

The despondent professor watched her students file out of the classroom. When the last one disappeared into the hallway crowd, she turned to the scrawled equations on the blackboard, arms crossed.

Big O notation, algorithmic complexity. As far as ultimate lessons go, she thought, she could’ve done much worse. Her eyes followed the mathematical expressions downward to their beautiful conclusions. She sighed, wiped the board clean.

Marinne sat down, stooped over her desk, when a gentle knock came on the door frame. 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Interview: Siv Delfin

A short three-question interview with me is available on The Future Fire's Facebook page.

My story "Siv Delfin" appeared in The Future Fire #38 in October.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Siv Delfin

"Siv Delfin" -- my detective SF novelette set in Vasilegrad, the capital of an alternate universe Balkan Federation -- is out now at The Future Fire (Issue #38).

Siv Delfin.

The nightclub in Bobinki Rid nestled in a baroque building once part of a tobacco tycoon’s estate, now owned by a branch of the Bug-eyed, where the first sample was found. The police chemists called the drug a depressant, a memory-suppressant, fear inhibitor, mighty curious molecule, a self-replicating wondrous African import, foaming at their mouths at the thought of studying it further—but to Claire it was yet another criminal thread managing to weave itself in Vasilegrad’s warp-weft, remaking her city, one strand at a time, from within.

Siv Delfin. The crime scene gave the drug its name.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Reprint: The Definition of Johnny

"The Definition of Johnny" -- a story that originally appeared in Beyond Science Fiction in June 2015 -- is reprinted in Bards and Sages Quarterly, July 2016 issue.

Smashwords link.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Free to read: Marasmus

"Marasmus" -- published in the Spring 2016 issue of Mad Scientist Journal -- is now up on the magazine's website.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Mad Scientist Journal: Spring 2016, containing my story "Marasmus" is now available in print and ebook.

The story will be free to read on the magazine's website in the coming weeks, but meanwhile the issue can be purchased from Amazon (Print/Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Print/NOOK), Kobo, iBookstore, and Smashwords.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Reprint: The Scramble

"The Scramble" -- a short story originally published in Kzine (Issue #11) -- is reprinted in the March issue of Scarlet Leaf Review.

Read it on the magazine's website.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Queried

Issue Sixteen of Devilfish Review is available now, containing my short story "The Queried."

Read the story on the magazine's website.